zenon Changesets CSV

zenon Changesets CSV

Here, you can access a comprehensive list of changes across all maintained versions of the zenon Software Platform as Excel Worksheets. This includes both implemented bug-fixes and new features. Additionally, these lists are available in as Excel Files if you prefer this over CSV.
Please note that not all changes will be accompanied by descriptions immediately, as our documentation process may still be ongoing. If you are unsatisfied with the given information or specific details, please reach out to your local support team. We are committed to continuously improve the information given.

Background information for your verification process:

  1. The files are automatically generated every night.
  2. All descriptions undergo review by our documentation team.
  3. If a change item has not yet been reviewed by the documentation team, it will display "Description pending" in the description.
  4. Therefore, please be aware that descriptions may be added or modified after the initial release.
  5. If the editorial review reveals that a bug was communicated that should not have actually been communicated, such incorrect communicated items will be removed from the list.