Unexpected error when compiling a FFLD program
Description While compiling a particular FFLD program the zenon Logic Studio reports mistakenly compiling errors. The issue has been addressed and the behavior is now as expected. To benefit from this fix: Update your zenon Software Platform to the ...
Cannot export graphics for the X5Wiewer
Description In zenon Logic Studio the export of graphics for the X5Wiewer did not work properly because the *.ZIP file was not stored in the destination directory. The issue has been addressed and the file is stored at the desired directory now. To ...
Fieldbus Configurations - Compiler does not return an error when an array member's bit is used as a TAG/variable
Description In the zenon Logic Studio the compiler does not return an error when an array member bit is used as a TAG/variable. Only the zenon Logic Service refuses correctly to run the mistaken project. This issue has been addressed and the build ...
OPCUA State Variable Response During Ethernet Disconnection
Description In case of an Ethernet communication loss the OPC UA client state variable remained unchanged and did not provide information about the lost connection with an OPC UA server. The issue has been addressed and the OPC UA client state ...
Distributed Engineering: Changes in zenon Logic project cause all Services to be checked out
Description In the Distributed Engineering since zenon version 14 all services had to be checked out to make changes on an existing zenon logic project. The issue has been addressed and a check-out is not required anymore. To benefit from this fix: ...
CANbus - should not use the term "STRATON" in configurator dialogs
Description The term “STRATON” was used in the SSDO property name of the CAN bus driver. The “by STRATON” has been removed from the property name. To benefit from this fix: Update your zenon Software Platform to the latest build of zenon 14 or ...
opcua processgateway - adding field in .ini breaks the gateway
Description When the “SERVER_URL=” field was added to the *.ini configuration of an OPC UA Process Gateway, the gateway did not open any listening ports anymore. The issue has been addressed and the behavior is now as expected. To benefit from this ...
Editor - combo of the parity on the communication setting for the serial communication
Description When Serial link has been selected in the Communication Settings dialog, the Parity drop-down list was empty. The issue has been addressed and the Parity drop-down list works now as expected. To benefit from this fix: Update your zenon ...
Active Directory: Not possible to change user password when password expires (e.g. User has to change password on next login) - The password could not be changed.
Description The user password could not be changed in Active Directory when it expired. The issue has been addressed and the behavior is now as expected. To benefit from this fix: Update your zenon Software Platform to the latest build of zenon 10 or ...
AccessOPCUA: zenProcGateway.exe crashes under specific circumstances
Description zenon Process Gateway OPC UA Server may close unexpectedly when deleting a monitored item from an active OPC UA Subscription. The issue has been addressed and the behavior is now as expected. To benefit from this fix: Update your zenon ...
[MSI Interface] Changing the authorization level causes other fields to be modified in the appsettings.json file
Description Changing the authorization level in the MSI Interface caused other fields to be modified in the appsettings.json file. The issue has been addressed and other fields are no longer changed in case of authorization level changes. To benefit ...
CNetDrv: Sequence number in acknowledge message should be the same as the sequence number in the SOE response
Description In the CNetDrv driver the Sequence number in the acknowledge message was not the same as the Sequence number in the SOE response. The issue has been addressed and the Sequence number is now the same in the acknowledge message and the SOE ...
Azure TLS connections do not follow Operating System standards with regard to the TLS version
Description The TLS connections were not following the Operating System defaults and were using an older TLS version. The issue has been addressed and the TLS connections now follow the Operating System defaults and use the current TLS version. To ...
Reload of the historian module is performed concurrently with the historian recording thread
Description The reloading of the historian was done at the same time as the historian recording thread and sometimes resulted in an unexpected closure. The issue has been addressed and the historian will now shut down when the reloading begins. To ...
[MSI Interface] Number format from the Operating System configuration, not supported by the MSI, prevents message from being sent correctly
Description The number format from the operating system configuration which is not supported by the MSI Interface, prevented the message from being sent correctly. The issue has been addressed and the message is sent now correctly. To benefit from ...
Released Properties disapear when "History of changes is active" in the Project
Description The released properties disappeared when "History of changes is active" was activated in the project. The issue has been addressed and the released properties are no longer lost. To benefit from this fix: Update your zenon Software ...
CANbus - No message when we can't import DBC file with bad syntax
Description If an import of a DBC file with a bad syntax failed, no message was displayed. The issue has been addressed and an error message is shown now. To benefit from this fix: Update your zenon Software Platform to the latest build of zenon 14 ...
SOT : crash when creating a new SOT
Description The creation of a new SOT via the Equipment Group led to an unexpected closure after a switch between projects. The issue has been addressed and the behavior is now as expected. To benefit from this fix: Update your zenon Software ...
[MSI Interface]Too many Exception Messages are sent
Description If the “Alarm acknowledged” option was used for alarm-based exception messages, a message was sent incorrectly when the alarm occurred. The issue has been addressed and wrong shipments are no longer executed. To benefit from this fix: ...
EUROMAP63: In specific scenario when a machine is providing a .DAT file which has the header located in the middle of the file this results in reading in an endless loop by the driver which also leads to a huge amount of log entries in the diag viewer
Description Issue in the EUROMAP63 driver when parsing a DAT file provided by a device, where the header is not in line 0, but in some lines in the middle (e.g. line 9). The driver reads the file in an endless loop, resulting in a large number of ...
Coloring FBD lines - Lines in UDFB Instance are sometimes not correctly colored
Description The UDFB lines were sometimes not colored correctly (remain grey). The issue has been addressed and the coloring is now as expected. To benefit from this fix: Update your zenon Software Platform to the latest build of zenon 14 or higher. ...
eSignature CEL entries are not logged when setting values via RGM
Description When setting values in the RGM directly from the SETVALUEKBD keyboard (via the control element Write set value), the eSignature dialogue appeared but the CEL entries were missing. This issue has been addressed and the CEL entries are now ...
IEC61850 server - linux runtime 64 bit target system can't open file to write
Description When downloading a zenon Logic project which includes an IEC 61850 Server configuration to a Logic Service on a 64 Bit linux runtime system the process aborts with an error message saying "Target system cannot open file for write". This ...
eSignature screen is not opened when setvalue action is done via keyboards (e.g. SETVALUEKBD)
Description The eSignature screen did not open when the setvalue action was performed using the keyboard. The issue has been addressed and the eSignature screen opens now as expected. To benefit from this fix: Update your zenon Software Platform to ...
Losing global window messages when closing Context menus.
Description When the context menu was opened in screens/symbols sometimes the animation of the SVG stopped. The issue has been addressed and the behavior is now as expected. To benefit from this fix: Update your zenon Software Platform to the latest ...
T5BusEIPS: Idle TCP connections are not automatically closed.
Description The EtherNet/IP Adapter (T5BusEIPS ) does not close TCP connections when these are idle and do not send any data. This can lead to a denial of service for valid EtherNet/IP Adapter when the maximum number of 124 TCP connections are used ...
AccessOPCUA: language change functionality of OPC UA server no longer works correctly
Description The AccessOPCUA language change functionality of the OPC UA server used the keyword instead of the translated text for LocalizedText types. The issue has been addressed and the translated text is now used correctly again. To benefit from ...
T5BusEIPS: EtherNet/IP Adapter does not make use of TCP Keep Alive
Description The EtherNet/IP Adapter (T5BusEIPS) does not make use of TCP keep alive messages to check if the TCP connection from an EtherNet/IP Scanner is still OK. The issue has been addressed and the T5BusEIPS enables a TCP keep alive for the ...
Variable links of Equipment Modeling are not removed when importing in GLOBAL projects
Description The variable links of the Equipment Modeling are marked as “<Variable has been deleted>” when XML importing an Equipment Modeling from other project. The issue has been addressed so that the variables linked are set now removed and it is ...
Engineering Studio crash after create all service engine files of the demo project
Description The Engineering Studio closed unexpectedly when all service engine files of the demo project were created. The issue has been addressed and the behavior is now as expected. To benefit from this fix: Update your zenon Software Platform to ...
WVS: MTP-Template: PEA's at the Overview Screen flicker
Description If one or more PEAs were deployed to the current template project on one or more screens via the zenon Orchestration Studio, the project was compiled and started in the WVS, the PEAs flickered on the overview screen. The issue has been ...
negated behavior for XML signature elements after Export
Description On export, the linked signature text from the <IsLocalSignatureText> data type was exported as TRUE (not linked) and a signature text defined in the variable property was exported as FALSE (linked). The issue has been addressed and now ...
Extended Trend Starter Edition: Unhandled exception when adding more than 8 curves in the "diagramm"-dialog of SE
Description The Extended Trend Starter Edition does not allow more than 8 curves in the “diagram” - dialog. Adding more led to an exception. The issue has been addressed and now every attempt to add curves beyond the limit is rejected with a message ...
SE: ETM - zoom out completly on Y axis - SE crashes
Description The zenon Service Engine closed unexpectedly after a zooming out procedure in the ETM screen. The issue was triggered by trying to extend the time range beyond Year 2038, where the traditional 32bit signed integer wraps to -1. The ...
Linked Help Chapter gets deleted after ES restart
Description If a Help chapter has been linked to the limit of a variable, the chapter is not available anymore after the restart of the zenon Service Engine. The issue has been addressed and the linked Help chapter is available now after the restart. ...
Potential crash due to access of deleted memory in CD_CThread
Description Potential access to deleted memory in CD_CThread led to unexpected behavior in certain cases. The issue has been addressed by improving thread management. To benefit from this fix: Update your zenon Software Platform to the latest build ...
LOGIC: StratonNG driver generates a wrong external timestamp after conversion from v12 to v14
Description If a zenon Logic project has been converted from zenon version 12 to zenon version 14, the external timestamp of a variables set by VSI* functions went wrong (e.g. vsiCopy). The issue has been addressed and the VSI* function handling of ...
Help screen: Alarm-help screen always opens in the most left screen
Description When an alarm has been triggered in the zenon Service Engine, the alarm help screen always popped up in the first screen. The issue has been addressed and the alarm help screen is opened now in the same monitor where the alarm "Open help" ...
Operating authorization over equipment model resets the local bit when primary server is shut down
Description If the Service Engine has been started on the client, primary server and standby server and the operating authorization has been fetched, the localbit for availability on this computer was reset, when the primary server closed ...
Import of zenPG config from SE to ES (decompile) no longer works in zenon 14 - "empty" templates used instead
Description When importing Service Engine files into the zenon Engineering Studio, zenon Process Gateway configurations were replaced by default templates instead of the actual configuration. The issue has been addressed and the zenPG configuration ...
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