Reproducible performance issue between zenon version 12 and 14
Description The loading of the trend in zenon version 14 was very slow. The issue has been addressed and the performance is now the same as in zenon version 12. To benefit from this fix: Update your zenon Software Platform to the latest build of ...
SAP: SE crashes when a RFC Function is called that imports a Table containing a row with QUAN and Datatype
Description SAP: The Service Engine was closed unexpectedly when an RFC function was called that imported a table with a row with QUAN and Datatype. The problem has been addressed and the RFC functions now work as expected. To benefit from this fix: ...
At redundancy switch of zenon servers, a variable with "alternative value" (ALT_VAL) suddenly gets the INVALID bit added - breaking ALC
Description After a server switch, the INVALID state was added instead of keeping the exact same state. This resulted in an unexpected state being displayed in the ALC. The issue has been addressed and the INVALID state is no longer added. To benefit ...
Mend: vulnerability in zlib-v1.2.11
Description Mend detected vulnerabilities in zlib-v1.2.11 with a CVSS v3 score of 9.8. The affected library used by the zenon Software Platform has been updated. To benefit from this fix: Update your zenon Software Platform to the latest build of ...
Fieldbus Configurations - No data sent by the 850 Server when EIP Scanner is configured but has no partner
Description The IEC61850 server did not send any data if the EIP scanner was configured correctly but did not have a partner client. The issue has been addressed and the behavior is now as expected. To benefit from this fix: Update your zenon ...
SO´s released properties are not correctly set when the SO in created via API
Description When creating an instance of a Smart Object via the API, the released properties may have been set correctly, but the properties of the element within the SO were not set accordingly. This issue has been addressed and the properties are ...
Connection State driver info variable doesn't work correctly with the TIA Driver
Description The Connection State Variable doesn't work correctly, the Variables get the Status Invalid, but the Connection State Variable still displays 0:0 that the connection is ok The issue has been addressed and the Connection State variable ...
AccessOPCUA stops communication after zenon reload
Description The Process Gateway interrupted communication if reloading took place while an OPC UA Client was reading data by request. The OPC Client was unable to reinitialize the connection and a completely new connection could no longer be ...
WVS Combined element does not support set value and execute function on same action
Description The Combined Element did not support Set value and Execute function on the same action in the Web Visualization Service. The issue has been addressed and the behavior is now as expected. To benefit from this fix: Update your zenon ...
Sporadically SE crashes with out_of_range exception after screen switch
Description The Service Engine closed sporadically unexpected after a screen switch. The issue has been addressed and the behavior is now as expected. To benefit from this fix: Update your zenon Software Platform to the latest build of zenon 10 or ...
GIS: Visibility of borders and transperency of markers is behaving strange
Description The GIS control in the Service Engine did not show a filling or a border if no equipment group was linked. Additionally markers had a different behavior, according to if they were linked with equipment groups or not. The issue has been ...
it’s not possible to Import and communicate Arrays under specific circumstances from TIA 19 project
Description With the TIA Driver it was not possible to import all the variables from a TIA 19 DataBlock. The Online Import showed the DB IDB_Sxx but it was not possible to find and import the arrays with dynamic index. The issue has been fixed ,the ...
SIC: zenon 11 and higher version DMP files are not collected
Description Due to a name rule change of the dump files the System Information Collector could not collect dump files of zenon version 11 or newer. The issue has been addressed and the dump file collection works as expected now, if the collection ...
Project settings: Info lines mismatch for libraries and extern objects
Description The text of the info lines for Libraries and Extern objects was not displayed correct. The issue has been addressed and left click on the corresponding entry displays the correct info line now. To benefit from this fix: Update your zenon ...
Service Engine stops executing under specific circumstances when using the AccessOPCUA Process Gateway with the new API
Description An optimization introduced in a Microsoft component caused the Service Engine to freeze under specific circumstances. The issue has been addressed and the Service Engine now works as expected. To benefit from this fix: Update your zenon ...
Potential heap corruption during reload
Description Issues with reloading the Service Engine. The issue has been addressed and the reloading of the Service Engine was optimized. To benefit from this fix: Update your zenon Software Platform to the latest build of zenon 10 or higher. Item ...
Unhandled Exception: historian with export to csv
Description In some cases, the running project was closed unexpectedly with the ETM screen open. The problem has been fixed and the program is no longer closed. To benefit from this fix: Update your zenon Software Platform to the latest build of ...
Bitfields and ENUMs with Chinese type names are not reloaded - TEST BY TRIO
Description In a particular project, although Windows was configured for the Chinese region, bitfields and ENUMs with Chinese type names were not reloaded into Workbench. The issue has been addressed and bitfields and ENUMs with Chinese characters ...
CNetDrv: heartbeat timeout times out too soon on connection establishment
Description The CNetDrv driver attempted to connect to the MPU, but closed the TCP connection approximately 30ms after it was established with a log entry, that the heartbeat timeout of 1500 had expired. The issue has been addressed and the heartbeat ...
slave IEC60870 - timestamp sent on UTC when values are sent in local mode
Description The IEC60870 Slave fieldbus driver sends the time tag CP56Time2a in ASDUs as UTC time instead of local time. The issue has been addressed and the timestamp is sent now in the correct time zone. To benefit from this fix: Update your zenon ...
It should not be possible to create a POU with more than 128 characters
Description It is possible to create a program unit (main, subprogram, UDFB) with the name longer as 128 characters, but this results in unexpected behavior. The issue has been addressed and the POUs' names are limited now to 128 characters. To ...
Logic service sporadically crashes after stopping application if zenonRT logic driver is used
Description The Logic Service closed unexpectedly after the application was closed, when a Logic Service to Service Engine connection driver was used. The issue has been addressed and the behavior is now as expected. To benefit from this fix: Update ...
"Y Axis From" Setting Didn't work on Extended Trend Screen's Expanded Curvelist in v14
Description The “Y-Axis from” setting did not work correctly in the Extended curve list of the Extended Trend screen. When setting the "Axis from" value to a value lower than the current "Axis from" value, no change occurred. The issue has been ...
zenon 14 Smart Client: Invalid path when exporting a Trend
Description If a Smart Client on which the Engineering Studio was not installed was used to export a trend, an invalid path occurred. The issue has been addressed and the behavior is now as expected. To benefit from this fix: Update your zenon ...
API method RenameEx does not work correctly with names in braces
Description The API method RenameEx did not work correctly with names in braces. The issue has been addressed and the behavior is now as expected. To benefit from this fix: Update your zenon Software Platform to the latest build of zenon 14 or ...
S7TCP32: wrong behavior of ConnectionStates variable
Description The S7TCP32 variable ConnectionStates returned incorrect values and could not be used to monitor the connection status. The issue has been addressed and the value of the ConnectionStates variable now only changes when a change in the ...
Instance Name is missing for logic variables in logic fdb program referenced in 3rd level
Description The Instance Prefix for the name for zenon logic variables got lost in the zenon logic FBD program. The issue has been addressed and the Instance Prefix is available now. To benefit from this fix: Update your zenon Software Platform to ...
DNP3- The runtime t5x64 v14 crashes when downloading the t5.cod on a Ubuntu server 64bit
Description The Logic Service on an Ubuntu 64bit interface closed unexpectedly, when a zenon Logic project with DNP3 configuration (Master and Slave) was downloaded. The issue has been addressed and the Logic Service works now as expected after the ...
WVS "page acknowledge" and "page confirm acknowledge" are broken in the AML
Description The control elements Acknowledge page and Confirm acknowledgment page did not work anymore in the Web Visualisation Service. The issue has been addressed and the behavior of the control elements is now as expected. To benefit from this ...
Client Crash: 0xc0000409 = STATUS_STACK_BUFFER_OVERRUN
Description If a client sets a ‘Screen active’ variable that transmits its value to the server, the network requests and CEL alignments could cause the client's Service Engine to be terminated by the operating system (Windows event log exception code ...
sporadically S5TCP32 crashes
Description The S5TCP32 driver closed sporadically unexpectedly. The issue has been addressed and the driver communication is now stable. To benefit from this fix: Update your zenon Software Platform to the latest build of zenon 14 or higher. Item ...
Engineering Studio crashes by changing of variables
Description The Engineering Studio closed unexpectedly when variable changes were made and afterwards a right-click on another variable was performed, before the changes were confirmed with Enter. The issue has been addressed and the behavior is now ...
AML - When a new alarm is added into descendingly sorted list with multiple selected lines, a new line is added to selection unintended
Description When a new alarm was added to a descending sorted list with multiple selected rows, a new row was unintentionally added to the selection. The issue has been addressed and the behavior is now as expected. To benefit from this fix: Update ...
Logic Studio: Importing a Library in a Logic project takes very long time
Description Importing a library into a zenon logic project took a lot of time. The issue has been addressed and the import time has been reduced. To benefit from this fix: Update your zenon Software Platform to the latest build of zenon 11 or higher. ...
SOT instance variables get unassigned from "SOT" variables after deleting any logic program
Description The SOT instance variables got unassigned from the SOT instance after deletion of any zenon logic program in the project. The variable properties were editable in the variable list after deletion of any logic program in the project. The ...
Unexpected error when compiling a FFLD program
Description While compiling a particular FFLD program the zenon Logic Studio reports mistakenly compiling errors. The issue has been addressed and the behavior is now as expected. To benefit from this fix: Update your zenon Software Platform to the ...
Cannot export graphics for the X5Wiewer
Description In zenon Logic Studio the export of graphics for the X5Wiewer did not work properly because the *.ZIP file was not stored in the destination directory. The issue has been addressed and the file is stored at the desired directory now. To ...
Fieldbus Configurations - Compiler does not return an error when an array member's bit is used as a TAG/variable
Description In the zenon Logic Studio the compiler does not return an error when an array member bit is used as a TAG/variable. Only the zenon Logic Service refuses correctly to run the mistaken project. This issue has been addressed and the build ...
OPCUA State Variable Response During Ethernet Disconnection
Description In case of an Ethernet communication loss the OPC UA client state variable remained unchanged and did not provide information about the lost connection with an OPC UA server. The issue has been addressed and the OPC UA client state ...
Distributed Engineering: Changes in zenon Logic project cause all Services to be checked out
Description In the Distributed Engineering since zenon version 14 all services had to be checked out to make changes on an existing zenon logic project. The issue has been addressed and a check-out is not required anymore. To benefit from this fix: ...
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