RGM - some (RGM)CEL entries get logged twice if you use primary and standby server
Description RGM CEL entries have been logged twice. The issue has been addressed and each RGM CEL entry is now logged only once. To benefit from this fix: Update your zenon Software Platform to the latest build of zenon 10 or higher. Item ID: 250565 ...
MSI Interface: Alarmgroups are not correctly shown and stored
Description The Alarm/event groups from projects and subprojects were not shown and stored correctly. Exception Messages, Order Status Messages and Order Abort Messages were affected. The issue has been fixed and the behavior is as expected now. To ...
Frame reference points are not correctly used on Multimonitor Systems
Summary Reference points for pop-up screens are not used correctly on multi-monitor systems. This bug has been fixed. Description When using multiple monitors, pop-up screens may not be displayed correctly. The “relative to element” setting for the ...
After reload global advise variable can't be advise in driver
Summary After reconfiguring variables between drivers and reloading advising no longer works. This behavior has been modified. Description After variables of a driver change and reloading a project, global variables no longer work. Cause: The ...
OPCUA32: support offline import from uanodeset.xml
Summary Variables can also be imported offline based on a UaNodeSet file. Description The basis of data when executing the Read PLC variables in background command can be selected per connection in a dialog. The choices are: Read from OpcUa server ...
Trend diagram windows Manipulation using Mouse "No action" is affect by mouse click
Summary In Extended Trend, the "Diagram window" is affected by actions with the mouse, even though these have been deactivated. This bug has been fixed. Description In the Engineering Studio, the "Service Engine" properties for "Manipulation using ...
AccessOPCUA: alarms cannot be acknowledged from an OPC UA client in zenon 14 and zenon 15
Description When attempting to acknowledge an alarm with an OPC UA Client in zenon version 14, the OPV UA Server displays an error: "BadEventIdUnknown". The alarm is not acknowledged. This bug has been fixed. Alarms are acknowledged correctly again ...
[MSI Interface] Long loading times in the Config dialog
Description When configuring the Werum MSI Interface, the configuration dialog takes a very long time to load. This can be caused by a large number of exception messages. This behavior has been modified. The number of API calls made when opening and ...
GraphQL: Timestamps are returned with UTC value, but formatted as local time
Summary In GraphQL Interface timestamps were displayed in UTC without time zone information. This has been adjusted. Description In GraphQL Interface, timestamps are returned as ISO 8601 timestamps, but without time zone information. So users need to ...
Registration of zennetsrv.dll create a systemlog entry which reports a access violation
Description When registering the zennetsrv.dll, a windows system event is created, that reports an access violation. The registration is not influenced by the access violation. The cause was a dialog that remained active after the CDHelper.dll was ...
Crash per click on Autologout-time control in the User Group List MDI
Summary In the Service Engine, the configuration "Time for automatic logout active" in the "User Groups List" screen leads to an unexpected termination of the Service Engine. This error has been fixed. Description The User Groups List screen has been ...
Set value uses wrong range for variable with linear range adjustment using the element input field of the dynamic text
Description When writing the set value for a variable with a linear range adjustment via a text field, the signal range is offered instead of the configured value range. When the set value is entered via the set value dialog or a numeric value ...
OPC UA Client: Redundancy does not work
Description In redundancy mode, the OPC UA Client does not act as expected. When switching from the primary server to the secondary server, the OPC UA Client does not connect to the secondary server. However, the connection to the primary server is ...
AccessOPCUA: Response to "ReadRawModifiedDetails" should be modified when request includes ReturnBounds=True
Summary OPC UA Server responds with incorrect message to request from OPC UA Client. This has been fixed. Description If an OPC UA Client requests historical data via the "ReadRawModifiedDetails" service with "ReturnBounds=True", but no historical ...
Audit Trail Records 'Modify Spontaneous Value' Events for Screen Active Variable
Description The CEL (aka Audit Trail) in version 11 or higher records an unwanted "Modify Spontaneous Value" event for the "'Screen active'variables" of a screen when opening or closing the screen. The selected default setting "Only via dynamic ...
Archive in AcessOpcUa configuration dialog in Engineering Studio and Runtime lost SCADA Name
Description An issue occurs in the Process Gateway in the configuration of the OPC UA Server: In the configuration dialog, the Archives tab does not display any SCADA Name for the export. The corresponding variable is shown as non-existent. This ...
Opening the lot filter in the Report Viewer on a client shows different report
Summary When a report is displayed in the Report Viewer via the lot filter in the client, a different report is displayed than configured. Description If a report for a lot is created in the Report Viewer via the lot filter on the server and another ...
Access OPCUA automatic certificate is not created anymore
Description An OPC UA Process Gateway configured in the Engineering Studio no longer creates a certificate in zenon 11 when the Service Engine is started for the first time. This means that the online communication cannot be initialized. This error ...
Service Engine crashes if configured folder for Service Engine data does not exist (zenon 11 only)
Description In zenon 11 the Service Engine crashes with an unhandeld exception if the folder configured for Service Engine data does not exist. This can be avoided if the folder is created manually. This error has been fixed. If the folder is ...
OPCUA32 crash C0000005 and 0xc0000374 reading UaCPPServer VariableWithByteStringNodeId
Description OPCUA32 driver crashes when reading UACCP server variables with byte string node ID. You receive error messages with reference to C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION or STATUS_HEAP_CORRUPTION. This error has been fixed. To benefit from this fix: ...
AML/CEL: alarm class color is not applied when printing if "as line background" is selected
Summary When printing AML or CEL, settings for color are not applied correctly. This has been fixed. Description For printing from AML or CEL, the setting "as row background" was selected for the option "Alarm/event class color". When printing in the ...
TIA-Treiber - Import only existing Variables working not correct
Description In the TIA driver the option "Import only existing variables" is activated for the import of variables. This is to import only variables that are existing in the project. However, variables that are not used in the project are also ...
Process Gateway SNMP agent - SNMPv3 does not started
Description Process Gateway SNMP Agent - SNMPv3 does not start if the username contains a space. This is a known behavior. Solution: Username must not contain a space. Please modify the username. Item ID: 265272 Version: 11.00 Build: 157700
Snmp cel traps driver does receive in an infinite loop
Description In Process Gateway SNMP_SG, the Trap Destination was configured for sending CEL traps. In the SNMP driver the agent was configured accordingly. Online traps are received in the offline MIB list. However, the CEL traps coming from the ...
Smart Object API : Variable mapping not applied after changing in engineering studio
Summary Changes in the variable mapping of a Smart Object instance are not applied during CSV export via SmartObject Export Wizard. This behavior has been changed. Description For a new Smart Object instance, variables are mapped in the Engineering ...
if you delete the linked EQM then the 3D configuration can not opened anymore / pointer exception
Summary The configuration of the 3D-Integration is no longer possible after deleting a linked EquipmentModel. This behavior has been modified. Description An Equipment Model that is linked to the 3D-Integration is deleted. As a result, the dialog for ...
[MSI Interface]: Invalid Token Request
Description The Werum MSI Interface cannot communicate with the PAS-X adapter version PASX2X v4.3.0 or higher. An invalid request is sent. Thus, the MSI Interface does not receive a token. Therefore, no messages can be sent to PAS-X. This error has ...
Gantt chart is sporadically disappearing/blinking
Description In the Extended Trend, the Gantt chart does not behave according to the project design in some constellations. It disappears or flashes unexpectedly. The problem remains until the value is changed. This behavior has been corrected. The ...
iec870 driver does not transfer to SE new values of command variables if the old value had status bit OFF
Summary The IEC 870 driver does not update values of command variables in the Service Engine if old variable values have status bit OFF. This behavior has been modified. Description The IEC 870 driver does not update the values of the command ...
Engineering Studio: Add Driver 'Siemens : S7 driver for S7-1200/1500' to Zenon Project - Error when starting driver
Summary The S7TIA/S7 for S7-1200/1500 driver cannot be started. This issue has been solved. Description The attempt to add the driver S7TIA/S7 for S7-1200/1500 to a project fails in some constellations with an error message (Error code 0x8001011f). ...
API - ISoMappingRule and ISoMappingRuleCollection are located in the wrong namespace
Description Concerning Edge API the ISoMappingRule and ISoMappingRuleCollection classes were located in the Scada.AddIn.Contracts namespace. This was not correct. Therefore, these classes have now been moved to the namespace ...
Evacuating archives to MySQL does not work
Description Evacuating archives to MySQL does not work. An unhandled exception occurs when creating tables. Cause: The problem is caused by an "unknown error" if CreateCommand fails when called after StartTransaction in the MySQL ODBC driver ...
Number of Alarms is wrong in AML screen if alarms from sub projects are included
Description In Multi-Project Administration, the number of alarms is displayed incorrectly in the AML if more than one project is selected. If only one project is selected, the number of alarms is displayed correctly. As soon as the integration ...
ES: Driver dialog is not shown and Engineering Studio is blocked if ServiceEngine is run as Service
Description In the Engineering Studio the driver dialog cannot be opened for configuration when the Service Engine is executed as a service on the same machine. The Engineering Studio cannot be used until the driver process has been killed. This is ...
Smart Object crashed during Save all and Compile all
Description Smart Object crashes when it contains multiple screens and all of them are saved and compiled. This occurs mainly when multiple SOT screens are open, which contain screen elements with associated variables, and at the same time one of ...
Externally visible variables are not updated in Logic if variablename is changed in lower-/uppercase
Summary In zenon Logic externally visible variables were not updated under certain circumstances. This behavior has been fixed. Description If in zenon Logic variable names are modified only in upper/lower case, but the name itself remains the same, ...
IEC61850 Server - TrgOps is out of range when writing bitstring on server with Padding =0
Description Issue when an 850-client emulated with LibIEC850 stack writes bitstring size 6 value encoded as 8 bits - with padding=0 (MMS encoding) - to the TrgOps attribute of a Report Control Block in the data model of the IEC61850 Server. The ...
Cel print with Switch language in Sub Project from Integration Project doesn’t work.
Summary Printing the CEL from a subproject after a language switch does not work correctly. In another language translated Keywords are not included in the Print. This behavior has been modified. Description In a project, the CEL is configured for ...
Service Engine may produce an unhandled exception when opening the ETM screen and scrolling the mouse wheel simultaneously
Description The Service Engine crashes when the screen of the "Extended Trend" type is opened while simultaneously scrolling with the mouse wheel. This bug has been fixed. Scrolling with the mouse wheel no longer affects the opening of the screen. To ...
Visibility doesn't work for “Chronological Event List Filter” MDI Element
Description In the screen of type "Chronological Event List Filter" the link to a variable for visibility does not work correctly. In the Service Engine, when a time filter is clicked, the visibility setting no longer works as configured. This error ...
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