Critical vulnerability in zlib in zenon 10
Description Critical vulnerabilities have been found in the zlib library during a penetration test. The issues has been addressed and, to solve the issues, the zlib library must be updated to the latest version. To benefit from this fix: Update your ...
Changing any symbol and creating changed runtimefiles is causing all screens with symbols to be compiled even if they don't contain the changed symbol
Summary In the Engineering Studio, changing a single symbol, not used in any screen, leads to the creation of Service Engine files for all screens containing symbols. This bug has been fixed. Description If changes are made to a symbol in the ...
Report Launcher cannot be started on Windows 11
Summary The Report Launcher does not start under Windows 11. This error has been fixed. Description When starting the Report Launcher under Windows 11, only an error message is displayed. However, the Report Launcher does not start. Cause: By ...
Project conversion: 5.50 SP7 to zenon 10 no longer converts functions
Description In the zenon project conversion, functions are not transferred correctly when converting from zenon 5.50 SP7 to version 10. This applies to zenon 32 bit. If you first convert to version 8.00 and then to version 10, functions are ...
AML continuous export writes wrong reactivated time
Description In the AML, the time for “time reactivated” is entered incorrectly when writing alarms with continuous export export to an SQL database or to a Service Grid Data Storage. Instead of the correct time for the reactivation of the alarm, the ...
zenon Smart Client freezes on Printer Selection
Description In the Smart Client, opening the printer selection via the “Print with dialog” screen element in the AML or CEL screen causes the computer to freeze. This freeze can last for some time before the computer becomes operable again. The ...
Process Recorder: Playback startime is undefined - playback is not possible
Description In the Process Recorder, playback does not work. After recording, the controls for playback are grayed out in the Service Engine. The Diagnosis Viewer logs show that the start time is not defined or is out of range. The cause is that the ...
Inconsistent date format in Process Recorder in Playback position element
Description In the Process Recorder, the date format of the "Playback position" control does not correspond to the Windows date format. This can lead to misinterpretation of the displayed date. This behavior has been modified. The date format in ...
visibility dooesn't work for HTML mdi element browserwindow
Description In the Service Engine, visibility and flashing do not work as expected for the "Browser window" screen element of the HTML screen. These functionalities cannot be reliably controlled dynamically. This behavior has been modified. Dynamic ...
IEC850: A dump occurs after a File transfer GET* command on a specific IED server.
Note: For this bug, the solution from Bug 250843: IEC850: Driver crash when executing GETALL, GETDIFF and GETNEW commands in Service Engine which adressed zenon 11 and 12 was applied to zenon10. Summary The IEC850 driver (850-client) can terminate ...
Web Engine Compiler - OutofMemoryException with a specific customer project
Description In certain constellations, the Web Engine Compiler terminates with an "Out of Memory" exception. The cause is that the Web Engine Compiler is running as a 32-bit application. This has been modified. The Web Engine Compiler is now a 64-bit ...
IEC850: Driver crash when executing GETALL, GETDIFF and GETNEW commands in Service Engine
Summary The IEC850 driver (850-client) can terminate unexpectedly when executing GETALL, GETDIFF or GETNEW command for File Transfer. This is caused by a not compliant with the IEC 61850 standard response from the IED (850-sever). This has been ...
WebEngine: AML screen page counter element remains visible on overlying screens although the AML screen is in the background
Description If a screen of type AML or CEL is in the background in the HTML Web Engine, its counter elements are displayed on the screen that is now above it. These elements can also block input elements of the active screen if they overlay them. ...
Screens containing SVG element crashes on opening
Description When switching to a screen that contains an SVG element, the Service Engine or the HTML Web Engine is terminated unexpectedly. This bug has been fixed. Screens with SVG elements behave as expected again. To benefit from this fix: Update ...
WebEngine Docker Image loads cert bundle from wrong location
Description The HTML Web Engine cannot establish a connection under Linux. The cause is that the certificate bundle is loaded from the wrong location in the Docker image. Even if the environment variable is configured correctly in the container, ...
XML import does not accept colon in tag names
Description The import of a zenon Logic project from an XML file fails. The cause is colons in variable names. These lead to the import being aborted. This behavior has been modified. Colons in variable names are processed correctly again during ...
Sporadic crash in Service Engine when Identity Service user administration is combined with alarm management via Web Engine
Description When combining the alarm management of the HTML Web Engine with user management via the Identity Service, the Service Engine is sometimes terminated unexpectedly. This happens if an already locked element is to be locked a second time ...
Error occurs when the project is compiled for the Web
Description An error occurs when compiling a project for the HTML Web Engine. The error message points to: "FAT00017: Compilation failed! Details: 'Value was either too large or too small for an Int32." This error may be caused by different reasons. ...
Engineering Studio: configuration of evacuation and export of AML/CEL should also be available with "Default" for data saving
Description The external storage of data for AML and CEL via the "Storage location" and "Continuous export" properties is only possible if the "Ring buffer and historical data" entry has been selected for the "Save AML data" respectively "Save CEL ...
DNP driver crash, Exception code: 80000003 BREAKPOINT, Exception Information "A breakpoint was encountered"
Description The DNP3 driver is terminated unexpectedly. The message "Exception code: 80000003 BREAKPOINT" is displayed. The cause for this error is an undefined macro in the DNP3 stack. This issue has been resolved. To benefit from this fix: Update ...
Creating Tables for AML/CEL continous SQL export and external storage does not work on SQL Server versions older than 2019
Summary Tables for continuous export and external storage cannot be created on SQL Server prior to version 2019. This error has been fixed. Description If continuous SQL export or external storage in a SQL database is configured in the Engineering ...
A dot in the lot name leads to an incorrectly displayed file name when using the archive export function
Summary In the archive export, the lot name is displayed incorrectly if it contains a dot. This has been fixed. Description Certain characters for the lot name are forbidden in the archive export function. These forbidden characters do not contain ...
Crash happens when deleting more than one graphic file in a SOT
Description If several files such as graphics, help files, multimedia files etc. are deleted simultaneously in a Smart Office Template (SOT), the EngineeringStudio is closed unexpectedly. Deleting a single file is possible without any problems. This ...
Disappearance of Trend Curve during Zoom Out
Summary In Extended Trend, the trend curve disappears when zooming. This has been fixed. Description In the Extended Trend in the Service Engine, if a curve is zoomed in and out frequently, it is no longer displayed after a few runs. The curve ...
GetAlarmEntryCollection() unusual Memory Usage when called multiple times
Summary Some Add-Ins create memory leaks when called multiple times. A solution has been implemented for this. Description When certain Add-Ins are called multiple times, unusual memory usage occurs. The memory used is then not released again. This ...
Beckhoff NG driver mode switching in stop/simulation blocks the service engine for a long time / cycle time errors
Summary Beckhoff TwinCat NG driver blocks Service Engine when switching to Stop/Simulation driver mode. This has been fixed. Description When the Beckhoff TwinCat NG driver switches to Stop or Driver Simulation mode, it blocks the Service Engine for ...
Online change - FB instance data aprox memory increased a lot when update zenon build
Description In zenon Logic 10, the size of the “FB instance data“ for “Online Change” increases significantly after a zenon Software Platform build update. This behavior has been modified. “FB instance data“ has the expected file size again. To ...
Documentation Download Tool does not update existing .cdhelp files
Summary The Documentation Download Tool does not update the existing documentation in zenon version 10. This has been fixed. Description In zenon 10, the documentation is not updated when the Documentation Download Tool is executed. Only CDHELP files ...
MPA Error Message Calculate Relative Value Active
Description An error occurs in Metering Point Administration when calculating relative values for archives. A message is displayed that the Project ID could not be found. This mainly occurs if zenon 8.20 is installed on a system on which a lower ...
HTML-Screen: WebView2 is available in zenon 10&11
Summary As of zenon 10, WebView2 is used as the browser for the HTML type screen by default. For zenon 10 and 11 CEF can also be activated. Description WebView2 is the basis of the Microsoft Edge browser and replaces Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF) ...
Platform independent drivers for flagship project and first version of Service Engine on Linux
Summary New platform independent zenon drivers available. Description For use with supported Linux versions now are also available: BACNETNG driver OPCUA32 driver stratonNG Driver Item ID: 247782 Version: 10.00 Build: 162215
Extended Trend: „Modify time period” causes time axis jumps on refresh
Description In Extended Trend, when "Modify time period" is used, its default option "Use current time period" is not handled correctly and behaves like "Use last completed period". This has been fixed for version 11 and higher. Current behavior: ...
Time Filter always using last completed time period although current time period is selected
Description In the time filter, "Use current time period" is selected. However, the last completed time period is displayed instead. This behavior has been modified. Now with "Use current time period" the correct filter is used. To benefit from this ...
With the XML export and import of screens such as Alarm Message list and Chronological event list, the following parameters of the List control get lost
Description During XML export and import of screens, objects of the list control can be corrupted. After the import, the controls "Tap", "Double tap" and "Manipulation" are available, but cannot be operated in the Service Engine (aka “Runtime”). Only ...
Service Engine crashes when an screen from another project is opened while loading the CEL screen
Description If the CEL screen is closed while loading data, the Service Engine crashes. This can happen, for example, if data from the Lot filter is still being loaded when closing. Or, if a screen from another project is opened while the CEL screen ...
Process gateway no longer starts hidden in zenon 10 if you use /Hide
Description The Process Gateway is started via a function with the /Hide parameter. However, the Process Gateway does not start hidden, but visible for all users. This behavior has been changed. The Process Gateway now respects the /Hide parameter ...
SO - Rule-based variable mapping
Summary Smart Objects allow rule based variable mapping. Description Smart Object variables are now consumed in Engineering Studio and Service Engine for the licensing. The order of the rules for variable mapping can now be changed manually. The ...
Werum MSI Interface AddIn is not running in zenon 11
Description The Werum MSI Interface AddIn does not work in zenon 11 if the simulator is not running on the same computer. If an IP is defined that is not on the same computer, the web server contained in the AddIn will not start. This error has been ...
Context list export function fails if the database is already target for a context list export function of another project
Description Context List export fails if the target database is already used by another project to export a Context List. SQL Server does not allow multiple indexes/keys within a database to have the same name. This has been changed. Now the project ...
New Ethernet/IP Scanner block to restart specific IO connection
Logic Service fieldbus "Ethernet/IP Scanner" driver allows to restart IO connection of a specific EIP adapter (IP address) using the block EIPRESTARTCNX. The EIPRESTARTCNX block is available since zenon 10 build 138660. Refer to product documentation ...
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