zenon Runtime closes unexpectedly, when executing from Report Viewer the function "print" with an invalid printer configuration

zenon Runtime closes unexpectedly, when executing from Report Viewer the function "print" with an invalid printer configuration


In addition if you have no '.RDL' file linked and you open the Report Viewer screen and press the Print button the RT will closes unexpectedly.


In addition if you have no '.RDL' file linked and you open the Report Viewer screen and press the Print button the RT will closes unexpectedly.


An issue was addressed at the zenon Runtime where the printer have invalid configuration. Now the zenon Runtime no longer closes. Zenon have new specific error messages and don't print if invalid printer or settings not valid "setup not accepted".

Issue Number: 31850
Fixed on Date: 12.5.2016
Versions: 7.50 0 BUILD 28116