Writing a variable of the OPCUA client driver in the zenon logic via externally visible does not set the value correctly

Writing a variable of the OPCUA client driver in the zenon logic via externally visible does not set the value correctly


With an OPCUA client driver in zenon and a variable that is set to "externally visible" writing this variable in a zenon logic program does not correctly send this value to the OPCUA server. Instead of the correct value, the value "0" may be sent to the OPCUA server by the OPCUA client driver.


With an OPCUA client driver in zenon and a variable that is set to "externally visible" writing this variable in a zenon logic program does not correctly send this value to the OPCUA server. Instead of the correct value, the value "0" may be sent to the OPCUA server by the OPCUA client driver.


An issue has been addressed in the zenon OPCUA client driver where the value was not correctly taken over from the zenon logic runtime.


Issue Number: 32531
Fixed on Date: 12.9.2014
Versions: 7.00 0 BUILD 21 | 7.11 0 BUILD 14431