With the XML export and import of screens such as Alarm Message list and Chronological event list, the following parameters of the List control get lost

With the XML export and import of screens such as Alarm Message list and Chronological event list, the following parameters of the List control get lost


During XML export and import of screens, objects of the list control can be corrupted.

After the import, the controls "Tap", "Double tap" and "Manipulation" are available, but cannot be operated in the Service Engine (aka “Runtime”). Only if these settings are configured in Engineering Studio again, they are operable again.


This behavior has been modified. Control elements keep their functionality during XML export and XML import.


To benefit from this fix:

  • Update your zenon Software Platform to the latest build of zenon 7.20 or higher.


Item ID: 85914
Version: 10.00 Build: 158166