While a command action waits on Select response from PLC another actions - for other RV - can be executed only once - then NET_SEL stays and locks.

While a command action waits on Select response from PLC another actions - for other RV - can be executed only once - then NET_SEL stays and locks.


Issue in Command Processing blocking another response variables (RV) when a faulty or too busy IED does not react on Select command for a RV. When a device does not respond Select command, another commands - for another RV - can be executed only once. After execution the status bit NET_SEL (‘selected in zenon Network’) stays and prevent any next execution although the  status bit PROGRESS gone correctly and command screen automatically closes like it should. While waiting on Select confirmation the execution of next commands results that the Runtime is busy - log errors "RPC error!” - until communication abort (or Select confirmation). In 7.11 was OK: while a command action was waiting until PLC responds Select, the user could execute commands on all other RV as many times as needed. All Watchdog timers are affected.


Issue in Command Processing blocking another response variables (RV) when a faulty or too busy IED does not react on Select command for a RV. When a device does not respond Select command, another commands - for another RV - can be executed only once. After execution the status bit NET_SEL (‘selected in zenon Network’) stays and prevent any next execution although the  status bit PROGRESS gone correctly and command screen automatically closes like it should. While waiting on Select confirmation the execution of next commands results that the Runtime is busy - log errors "RPC error!” - until communication abort (or Select confirmation). In 7.11 was OK: while a command action was waiting until PLC responds Select, the user could execute commands on all other RV as many times as needed. All Watchdog timers are affected.


Issue was solved in recursive performed release of network select when the command is finish.


Note: no response on Select while rest communication exchange still works, means that the IED is faulty or busy, e.g. with long process of internal interlocking checks.

Issue Number: 36942
Fixed on Date: 18.8.2016
Versions: 7.20 0 BUILD 31040