When using a Driver in mode Simulation - programmed variables of type UDINT are not supporting values where the highest bit is set.

When using a Driver in mode Simulation - programmed variables of type UDINT are not supporting values where the highest bit is set.


When using a Driver in mode Simulation - programmed and setting a value bigger than 2147483647 (7FFFFFFFh) on a variable of type UDINT in the zenon runtime the value will always be 2147483648 (80000000h).


When using a Driver in mode Simulation - programmed and setting a value bigger than 2147483647 (7FFFFFFFh) on a variable of type UDINT in the zenon runtime the value will always be 2147483648 (80000000h).


This issue has been addressed by treating UDINT as an unsigned variable.

Issue Number: 34953
Fixed on Date: 25.8.2015
Versions: 7.20 0 BUILD 22047 | 7.50 0 BUILD 25796