when the limit causeing alarm has the flag 'to delete' grayed out but already set, the alarm is to delete

when the limit causeing alarm has the flag 'to delete' grayed out but already set, the alarm is to delete


When in REMA or a limit which creates an alarm, you check flag 'to delete' und then uncheck 'to aknowledge' this will gray out the 'to delete' option.

But the Runtime does not ignore grayed out 'to delete' - the alarm must be aknowledged and then deleted anyway in order to be removed from AML.


When in REMA or a limit which creates an alarm, you check flag 'to delete' und then uncheck 'to aknowledge' this will gray out the 'to delete' option.

But the Runtime does not ignore grayed out 'to delete' - the alarm must be aknowledged and then deleted anyway in order to be removed from AML.


issue was addressed in precedure hadling alarms.


Issue Number: 22523
Fixed on Date: 5.12.2013
Versions: 7.20 0 BUILD 17768