When the formula dialog for a transition in a PFC recipe in the Batch Control module in the runtime is closed with OK, the recipe is marked as modified, even though no change was made.

When the formula dialog for a transition in a PFC recipe in the Batch Control module in the runtime is closed with OK, the recipe is marked as modified, even though no change was made.


When editing the condition formula for a transition object in a PFC recipe in a Batch Control screen in the runtime, the PFC recipe is marked as "modified", indicated by the "*" character in the open tab, even though no changes were made in the dialog for the formula of the transition.


When editing the condition formula for a transition object in a PFC recipe in a Batch Control screen in the runtime, the PFC recipe is marked as "modified", indicated by the "*" character in the open tab, even though no changes were made in the dialog for the formula of the transition.


An issue has been addressed where acknowledging the formula dialog for a transition in the runtime always marked the recipe as modified, even though no changes were made. Now only when actual changes are made, the recipe is marked as modified.

Issue Number: 28357
Fixed on Date: 28.11.2013
Versions: 7.20 0 BUILD 17768