When the ExpProp DynProperties for released properties of a linked symbol are modified, the symbol is not refreshed in a screen

When the ExpProp DynProperties for released properties of a linked symbol are modified, the symbol is not refreshed in a screen


When the ExpProp DynProperties for released properties of a symbol are set for a linked symbol, the symbol is not refreshed in a screen. The value is stored correctly and can be read again, but the symbol on the screen is not redrawn.


When the ExpProp DynProperties for released properties of a symbol are set for a linked symbol, the symbol is not refreshed in a screen. The value is stored correctly and can be read again, but the symbol on the screen is not redrawn.


An issue was addressed in the programming interface. Now, the symbol is being drawn correctly when released properties are modified.


Issue Number: 33982
Fixed on Date: 12.3.2015
Versions: 7.20 0 BUILD 18778 | 7.50 0 BUILD 25796