When opening the VBA editor, the MyWorkspace class does not contain any code

When opening the VBA editor, the MyWorkspace class does not contain any code


When opening the VBA IDE and double-clicking the MyWorkspace class, there is no code being shown. This causes side-effects, e.g. the linked symbol wizard is not starting because it reacts on the OnElementDoubleClick event which is fired by ZenWorkspace.


When opening the VBA IDE and double-clicking the MyWorkspace class, there is no code being shown. This causes side-effects, e.g. the linked symbol wizard is not starting because it reacts on the OnElementDoubleClick event which is fired by ZenWorkspace.


An issue was addressed in the setup deployment of the ZenWorkspace.vba file. Please note that the ZenWorkspace.vba (which contains the MyWorkspace class) is only overwritten if there is no code inside. If code has been added to the class manually, it will not be overwritten by the setup.


Issue Number: 34615
Fixed on Date: 15.6.2015
Versions: 7.20 0 BUILD 20544 | 7.50 0 BUILD 25796