When creating runtime files for older versions, the Recipegroup Manager data is always compiled in the editor even without any changes
When the setting for creating runtime files for an older version is not set to default in the editor, compiling runtime files will always create runtime files for the Recipegroup Manager, when the option to compile files in RT changeable data is set, even when no changes were made to the Recipegroup Manager data.
When the setting for creating runtime files for an older version is not set to default in the editor, compiling runtime files will always create runtime files for the Recipegroup Manager, when the option to compile files in RT changeable data is set, even when no changes were made to the Recipegroup Manager data.
An issue has been addressed in the Recipegroup Manager in the editor where on compiling runtime files the detection of changes between the editor data and the already compiled runtime files was not correct, when the setting for creating compatible runtime files is set to a value other than default. Now runtime files are only compiled when the setting for RT changeable data is set to compile data for the Recipegroup Manager and actual changes have been made in the editor for Recipegroup Manager data.
Issue Number: 33663
Fixed on Date: 30.11.2015
Versions: 7.60 0 BUILD 36068