When a variable in the OPCUA server has a bad quality (no value), the OPCUA client driver does not offer this variable in the list of variables after online import in the editor.

When a variable in the OPCUA server has a bad quality (no value), the OPCUA client driver does not offer this variable in the list of variables after online import in the editor.


After online import in the editor for the OPCUA client driver, the list of variables does not contain variables that have bad quality and no value. When the variable value has a valid, the online import does correctly offer the variable in the list after an online import.


After online import in the editor for the OPCUA client driver, the list of variables does not contain variables that have bad quality and no value. When the variable value has a valid, the online import does correctly offer the variable in the list after an online import.


An issue has been addressed in the online import in the editor of variables from the OPCUA client driver. Now also variables that have a bad quality and do not have a value, are offered in the list of variables after the online import.

Issue Number: 30647
Fixed on Date: 20.11.2013
Versions: 7.10 0 BUILD 9356 | 7.11 0 BUILD 10238