When a connection with a valid hostname of the SNMPNG32 driver exists under tab SNMP Agents and then trying to replace the hostname with an ip address which corresponds to that hostname, an error message with text "The Agent configuration is invalid." appears.

When a connection with a valid hostname of the SNMPNG32 driver exists under tab SNMP Agents and then trying to replace the hostname with an ip address which corresponds to that hostname, an error message with text "The Agent configuration is invalid." appears.


When replacing the hostname of the SNMPNG32 driver under tab SNMP Agents with an ip address which corresponds to that hostname, an error message with text "The Agent configuration is invalid." appears.


When replacing the hostname of the SNMPNG32 driver under tab SNMP Agents with an ip address which corresponds to that hostname, an error message with text "The Agent configuration is invalid." appears.


This issue has been addressed by improving the way the input hostname/ip address is validated.

Issue Number: 32604
Fixed on Date: 4.9.2014
Versions: 7.20 0 BUILD 17768