WebEngine Deployment - IIoT Service Connection Wizard can't be started
When deploying the HTML Web Engine,
an error message is displayed that refers to a missing service. This message
has been made more precise.
An error message is displayed when deploying the HTML Web Engine.
This indicates that no abstraction layer has been installed.
This error message is displayed if no IIoT Services
Gateway is installed on the computer. This means that the IIoT Services Connection Wizard cannot be started. However, the HTML Web Engine
can be deployed with both the Service Engine Connector and the IIoT Services
Connector. But only existing certificate bundles can be used. New bundles
cannot be created via the wizard.
The error message has been adjusted. It now indicates:
"Loading the IIoT Services Gateway has failed. The IIoT Services
Connection Wizard will not be available".
To benefit from this fix:
- Update your zenon Software Platform to the latest
build of zenon 12 or higher.
Hint: To create new certificate bundles nevertheless: Install the IIoT Services Gateway manually.
Item ID: 270935
Version: 12.00 Build: 180966
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