VSTA code is no longer executed in the runtime in project copies created through the "Workspace save as..." function

VSTA code is no longer executed in the runtime in project copies created through the "Workspace save as..." function


After creating a copy of the workspace and all its projects using the function "workspace save as.." the VSTA code in the project copies is no longer executed in the runtime. The VSTA code in the original projects is still executed correctly in the runtime.

When a copy of the project is created using the "project save as.." function, the VSTA code is working correctly in the runtime in the project copy.


After creating a copy of the workspace and all its projects using the function "workspace save as.." the VSTA code in the project copies is no longer executed in the runtime. The VSTA code in the original projects is still executed correctly in the runtime.

When a copy of the project is created using the "project save as.." function, the VSTA code is working correctly in the runtime in the project copy.


An issue was addressed in the "workspace save as" function where the new project ID / GUID was not correctly taken over in the VSTA source files. The VSTA source files in the copied project contained the original project ID, which resulted that the VSTA code was not executed in the runtime. Now when "workspace save as" is exeucted, the correct project ID is taken over in the VSTA source files.

There are two possible workarounds:

- project save as / replace project links

Instead of using "workspace save as", perform a "project save as" for all projects in the workspace, with a temporary new name. Then create a new workspace, insert the copied projects, and change the name of the projects accordingly. When using an integration project, right click the integration project and select "replace project links" to change all project links to the new copies.

- manually change the project GUID in the VSTA source files

It is also possible to manually change the original project GUID in the VSTA source files to the new project GUID. After changing, saving and compiling, the VSTA code will be executed again.


Installing the build that includes this fix will not repair any existing projects where VSTA currently is not executed in the runtime. It will merely make sure that the project GUID will be replaced correctly with the next workspace save as function.

Issue Number: 28579
Fixed on Date: 14.1.2013
Versions: 7.00 0 BUILD 6