VASS driver doesn't handle "Telegrammflut" situation

VASS driver doesn't handle "Telegrammflut" situation


The VASS driver running according to the 2020 VASS specification, chapter 2.2, now reports "telegram flood" when zenon is updated to current build.


The VASS driver running according to the 2020 VASS specification, chapter 2.2, does not report a "telegram flood". (In the German standard: "Telegrammflut")

  • Update to build 102405 of your zenon 10 or 11.
There LOG entries are generated to determine the cause of the telegram flood. A new log message has been added to the Diagnosis Viewer.  
  • Module: DRV
  • Level: MSG
It contains counters for all frames sent and received in the last minute - grouped by frame type and network address.
Frame counter: IN=0 PI=1 PQ=1 M1=1 WE=1 W2=1 FZ=0 AS=0 SL=0 LQ=0 SW=0 WQ=0

Item ID: 253981
Version: 11.00 Build: 104641
Version: 10.00 Build: 102631