Under special circumstances, refreshing the IMM screen leads to an unintended shutdown of the zenon runtime.

Under special circumstances, refreshing the IMM screen leads to an unintended shutdown of the zenon runtime.


It may happen that the Runtime closes unexpectedly when the user triggers a refresh of the IMM screen when there are multiple levels of hierarchy in the IMM structure.


It may happen that the Runtime closes unexpectedly when the user triggers a refresh of the IMM screen when there are multiple levels of hierarchy in the IMM structure.


An issue has been addressed where the runtime closed unexpectedly upon refreshing the IMM screen because of incorrectly releasing memory. After the fix, the refresh works as intended.


The issue was only reproducible in zenon 7.11

Issue Number: 31822
Fixed on Date: 14.5.2014
Versions: 7.20 0 BUILD 17768
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