Time Control properties. Time settings - Execution type: ‘cyclic only on that day’ with the checkbox ‘Interval one month’ or ‘Interval one year’ activated, uses the interval time even though it is greyed out, at the zenon Runtime.
The Time Control Execution type: ‘cyclic only on that day’, when the option ‘Interval one month’ or ‘Interval one year’ is activated:
Interval property is greyed out when ‘Interval one month’ or ‘Interval one year’ is selected = OK
The issue is that the Interval property, which is greyed out, is actually still used in runtime for the selected Execution type.
The Time Control Execution type: ‘cyclic only on that day’, when the option ‘Interval one month’ or ‘Interval one year’ is activated:
Interval property is greyed out when ‘Interval one month’ or ‘Interval one year’ is selected = OK
The issue is that the Interval property, which is greyed out, is actually still used in runtime for the selected Execution type.
An issue was addressed at that selection of the Execution type of the Time control. Now, the ‘Interval one moth’ and ‘Interval one year’ are just accessible for the Execution type: ‘cyclic from that day on’.
Issue Number: 34829
Fixed on Date: 23.11.2015
Versions: 7.60 0 BUILD 36068
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