The zenon logic workbench stops working after deletion of a structured datatype in zenon and then closing the error message of zenon logic by clicking on the red "x" sign of the window.
When creating a structured datatype in the zenon editor and then creating a zenon logic Project and opening the zenon logic workbench an error message with text "Failed to create data type "'Copy 0 of xxx'" in zenon Logic! zenon Logic does not support data type names which include spaces or Special characters. Please rename the data type in the zenon Editor." appears when copying the structured datatype in zenon. After deletion of the structured datatype in the zenon Editor and closing the error message of zenon logic by clicking on the red "x" sign of the window the zenon logic workbench stops working.
When creating a structured datatype in the zenon editor and then creating a zenon logic Project and opening the zenon logic workbench an error message with text "Failed to create data type "'Copy 0 of xxx'" in zenon Logic! zenon Logic does not support data type names which include spaces or Special characters. Please rename the data type in the zenon Editor." appears when copying the structured datatype in zenon. After deletion of the structured datatype in the zenon Editor and closing the error message of zenon logic by clicking on the red "x" sign of the window the zenon logic workbench stops working.
This issue has been addressed by improving the way zenon logic reloads variables.
Issue Number: 33984
Fixed on Date: 2.11.2015
Versions: 7.50 0 BUILD 25796 | 7.60 0 BUILD 36068