The value (%v) in the dynamic limit text is not converted into the secondary unit

The value (%v) in the dynamic limit text is not converted into the secondary unit


A dynamic limit text may be configured to display a variable´s value with the placeholder %v. It may further more be configured to display the variable´s measuring unit with the placeholder %u. If unit switch is enabled and the secondary unit is selected, then the limit text will incorrectly replace %v with the variable´s value in the base unit. At the same time, however, the placeholder %u will be correctly replaced with the secondary unit. This can be observed in AML, CEL, dynamic text elements, and in the report viewer.


A dynamic limit text may be configured to display a variable´s value with the placeholder %v. It may further more be configured to display the variable´s measuring unit with the placeholder %u. If unit switch is enabled and the secondary unit is selected, then the limit text will incorrectly replace %v with the variable´s value in the base unit. At the same time, however, the placeholder %u will be correctly replaced with the secondary unit. This can be observed in AML, CEL, dynamic text elements, and in the report viewer.


The described issue has been resolved. Now, variable values (%v) the dynamic limit texts will always be converted to the correct measuring unit in AML, CEL, dynamic text elements, and in the report viewer.

Issue Number: 37415
Fixed on Date: 18.11.2016
Versions: 7.60 0 BUILD 36068