The user that is stored as the user that created or last modified the Recipegroup Manager is not correct when the recipe is created or changed on a runtime client

The user that is stored as the user that created or last modified the Recipegroup Manager is not correct when the recipe is created or changed on a runtime client


The user that is stored as the user that created or lastmodified a Recipegroup Manager is not the correct user from the runtime client where the recipe was modified but the user that was logged in on the runtime server at the time the recipe was created /  modified.   The corresponding entry in the Chronologic Event List for the creation / modification of the recipe shows the correct user that is logged in on the runtime client.


The user that is stored as the user that created or lastmodified a Recipegroup Manager is not the correct user from the runtime client where the recipe was modified but the user that was logged in on the runtime server at the time the recipe was created /  modified.   The corresponding entry in the Chronologic Event List for the creation / modification of the recipe shows the correct user that is logged in on the runtime client.


An issue has been addressed in the Runtime where the information which user created / last modified a recipe was taken from the runtime server rather than the runtime client where the recipe was actually created / modified. Now the recipe also contains the correct user information.

Issue Number: 35342
Fixed on Date: 5.11.2015
Versions: 7.20 0 BUILD 24121