The trend screen element may show a false variable overflow in the runtime.

The trend screen element may show a false variable overflow in the runtime.


The trend screen element shows a variable overflow despite its value is within the variable value range and the trend element curve option "apply display range from variables" is active in the Editor.


The trend screen element shows a variable overflow despite its value is within the variable value range and the trend element curve option "apply display range from variables" is active in the Editor.


An issue was resolved so that trend element property "apply display range from variables" is considered in the runtime. Workaround: To disable the trend element curve "apply display range from variables" property and set manually the "min/max. display range" values in the Editor.


The trend screen element curve option "apply display range from variables" was not considered in the runtime, so that the values defined in the "min/max. display range" were used to define the variable value range in the runtime.

Issue Number: 35265
Fixed on Date: 10.11.2015
Versions: 7.60 0 BUILD 36068