The tree in the editor for the RGM module is not properly initialized under specific circumstances

The tree in the editor for the RGM module is not properly initialized under specific circumstances


Under specific cirumstances the tree for the RGM module in the editor is not properly initialized. The tree is expanded but recipes are not visible. Instead an entry "..." is shown. When interacting with the tree in this state, the editor may close unexpectedly. It can come to this situation when either the recipe tree node is expanded or the variables tree node is expanded, and the group is collapsed, and the uses switches to another module and back again to the RGM module.


Under specific cirumstances the tree for the RGM module in the editor is not properly initialized. The tree is expanded but recipes are not visible. Instead an entry "..." is shown. When interacting with the tree in this state, the editor may close unexpectedly. It can come to this situation when either the recipe tree node is expanded or the variables tree node is expanded, and the group is collapsed, and the uses switches to another module and back again to the RGM module.


An issue has been addressed in the editor where expanding the tree for the RGM module was not properly handled when re-activating the module in the editor. Now it is assured that the group is expanded first when the variables or recipes are expanded. As a workaround, reloading the project will also resolve the invalid state of the tree for the RGM module.


available from 7.00 SP0 build 1

Issue Number: 26716
Fixed on Date: 3.5.2012
Versions: 7.00 0 BUILD 1