The System Information Collector Tool my propose an incorrect filename for saving

The System Information Collector Tool my propose an incorrect filename for saving


The System Information Collector typically proposes a default name when saving a scan result into a file. This default name is a combination of the computer's name and the current date and time.

However, when loading a previously saved file in the System Information Collector and then performing a new scan and clicking the save button, it will not propose the correct default filename, but the name of the previously opened file.


The System Information Collector typically proposes a default name when saving a scan result into a file. This default name is a combination of the computer's name and the current date and time.

However, when loading a previously saved file in the System Information Collector and then performing a new scan and clicking the save button, it will not propose the correct default filename, but the name of the previously opened file.


After the fix, the system information collector will always propose a correct filename for saving scan results.


Issue Number: 30366
Fixed on Date: 19.11.2013
Versions: 7.20 0 BUILD 17768