The substitute messages sent with zenon message control sending method: SMS GSM modem, SMS gateway and SMTP mail are not sent correctly and the CEL entries for that messages are not logged correctly.

The substitute messages sent with zenon message control sending method: SMS GSM modem, SMS gateway and SMTP mail are not sent correctly and the CEL entries for that messages are not logged correctly.


The sending of messages to substitute persons dont't work correctly because only the first person get the message and after the waiting time for an acknowledge for that user expired the substituted user dont't recive a substitute message.


The sending of messages to substitute persons dont't work correctly because only the first person get the message and after the waiting time for an acknowledge for that user expired the substituted user dont't recive a substitute message.


The mechanism of hardware timeout recognition in zenon message control has been improved and now the substitute messages are sent correctly and also the CEL entries for that messages are logged correctly.

Issue Number: 33412
Fixed on Date: 22.1.2015
Versions: 7.20 0 BUILD 17768 | 7.50 0 BUILD 25796