The Recipegroup Manager function with the parameter "read recipe" does not correctly consider unit switching which may result in an error and a recipe that is not saved

The Recipegroup Manager function with the parameter "read recipe" does not correctly consider unit switching which may result in an error and a recipe that is not saved


When using the Recipegroup Manager function with the parameter "read recipe", the scaled value through unit switching is used and validated against the min. / max. boundaries of the raw value stored in the recipe. This may result in a value outside of the boundaries and as a result the recipe is not saved and the read recipe result returns an error.


When using the Recipegroup Manager function with the parameter "read recipe", the scaled value through unit switching is used and validated against the min. / max. boundaries of the raw value stored in the recipe. This may result in a value outside of the boundaries and as a result the recipe is not saved and the read recipe result returns an error.


The Recipegroup Manager function now correctly uses the raw value instead of the unit switched scaled value, to compare against the min. / max. values of the recipe variable value.

Issue Number: 37530
Fixed on Date: 22.2.2017
Versions: 7.20 0 BUILD 35394