The OPCUA server in the process gateway stops updating variable values from the runtime under specific circumstances

The OPCUA server in the process gateway stops updating variable values from the runtime under specific circumstances


When the runtime is reloaded following changes to the driver configuration, while the OPCUA server in the process gateway is running and a OPCUA client is connected, subcribing to value changes (Data Access) for variables (nodes) in the OPCUA server, the OPCUA server stops updating value changes from the zenon runtime for these variables after the runtime is reloaded.


When the runtime is reloaded following changes to the driver configuration, while the OPCUA server in the process gateway is running and a OPCUA client is connected, subcribing to value changes (Data Access) for variables (nodes) in the OPCUA server, the OPCUA server stops updating value changes from the zenon runtime for these variables after the runtime is reloaded.


An issue was addressed in the zenon OPCUA process gateway where reloading the runtime did not correctly reinitiate the connection for variables that were subscribed by a connected OPCUA client. Now after a reload of the runtime the value updates are correctly provided again to the OPCUA server and the connected OPCUA client.


Issue Number: 32823
Fixed on Date: 12.11.2014
Versions: 7.11 0 BUILD 16009