The interlocking "Area with undefined status would increase" in some Topology does not work correctly with new ALC algorithm "Input takes priority"

The interlocking "Area with undefined status would increase" in some Topology does not work correctly with new ALC algorithm "Input takes priority"


The topological interlocking "Area with undefined status would increase" in some Topology networks does not work correctly with new ALC algorithm "Input takes priority".


The topological interlocking "Area with undefined status would increase" in some Topology networks does not work correctly with new ALC algorithm "Input takes priority".


The check for "Area with undefined status would increase" is improved now.


Fixed on 07.05.2012; available from 7.00 SP0 Build 1;

Issue Number: 26762
Fixed on Date: 7.5.2012
Versions: 7.00 0 BUILD 1