The editor should provide more information when importing a S7 project.

The editor should provide more information when importing a S7 project.


If a S7 project does not contain any data blocks the S7 project import wizard does not step into the variable selection dialog after choosing the PLC stations to be imported. Instead, the wizard can only be cancelled without showing the reason why it cannot be finished.


If a S7 project does not contain any data blocks the S7 project import wizard does not step into the variable selection dialog after choosing the PLC stations to be imported. Instead, the wizard can only be cancelled without showing the reason why it cannot be finished.


Now when it is imported a S7 project without variables the wizard provides a message box advising that "No variables found!".


Issue Number: 31061
Fixed on Date: 19.12.2013
Versions: 7.20 0 BUILD 17768