The CEL filter option 'Always display system messages in list' displays all system messages, even when filtered for a specific lot.

The CEL filter option 'Always display system messages in list' displays all system messages, even when filtered for a specific lot.


The CEL filter option 'Always display system messages in list' displays all system messages, even when filtered for a specific lot.


The CEL filter option 'Always display system messages in list' displays all system messages, even when filtered for a specific lot.


Now the system messages are displayed, which only have been created during selected lot. The option cancels the following filter conditions:

  • Variable naming
  • Variable description
  • Variable value state
  • CEL-groups
  • CEL-classes
  • System Modelling


Issue Number: 33968
Fixed on Date: 11.3.2015
Versions: 7.20 0 BUILD 18778