The 32 bit editor stops respoding under specific circumstances on creating a Recipegroup Manager function, and may display an error "Encountered an improper argument"

The 32 bit editor stops respoding under specific circumstances on creating a Recipegroup Manager function, and may display an error "Encountered an improper argument"


When creating a new function "Recipegroupmanager" and selecting the type "Change recipe state", without any further selection of recipe groups or recipes, the editor may stop responding and display an error message: "Encountered an improper argument", which may also appear after a restart of the editor and checking the function parameters. The function must be deleted and recreated, with proper parameters, to resolve the issue.


When creating a new function "Recipegroupmanager" and selecting the type "Change recipe state", without any further selection of recipe groups or recipes, the editor may stop responding and display an error message: "Encountered an improper argument", which may also appear after a restart of the editor and checking the function parameters. The function must be deleted and recreated, with proper parameters, to resolve the issue.


An issue has been addressed in the Recipegroup Manager module in the 32 bit editor. Now the editor no longer produces an error message when a Recipegroupmanager function is created with the type "Change status" and no status is selected.

Issue Number: 29898
Fixed on Date: 9.12.2013
Versions: 7.20 0 BUILD 17768