text filter of the CEL may not find all expected CEL entries

text filter of the CEL may not find all expected CEL entries


When applying a text filter to the CEL and deactivating the option "words do not need to be in the text completely", the filter result may not contain all CEL entries that match the filter string, when the filter string appears twice in the event's text.


search for " string "

an entry with the text " string abcstringabc " is displayed in CEL

an entry with the text " abcstringabc string " is sorted out.


When applying a text filter to the CEL and deactivating the option "words do not need to be in the text completely", the filter result may not contain all CEL entries that match the filter string, when the filter string appears twice in the event's text.


search for " string "

an entry with the text " string abcstringabc " is displayed in CEL

an entry with the text " abcstringabc string " is sorted out.


An issue has been addressed where the CEL's text filter would not find all occurences of a search string.


Issue Number: 31841
Fixed on Date: 6.5.2014
Versions: 7.11 0 BUILD 12493 | 7.20 0 BUILD 17768