SNMP32 driver stops when browsing an agent with the option to use snmpv2c poling active

SNMP32 driver stops when browsing an agent with the option to use snmpv2c poling active


When the option to use snmpv2c polling is active, browsing an agent causes the driver to stop under specific circumstances. When snmpv2c polling is acitve it is not possible to browse all OIDs from an agent.


When the option to use snmpv2c polling is active, browsing an agent causes the driver to stop under specific circumstances. When snmpv2c polling is acitve it is not possible to browse all OIDs from an agent.


Releasing the memory structures of polling 64-bit-counters has been corrected, preventing this behavior.

Issue Number: 32005
Fixed on Date: 29.7.2014
Versions: 7.11 0 BUILD 14431