Setting a value on a variable of the MATHDR32 Driver which has formula "Mean" is not performed immediately in the zenon runtime. The variable receives the value not before the configured time limit of the Interval Definition  of the variable is reached.

Setting a value on a variable of the MATHDR32 Driver which has formula "Mean" is not performed immediately in the zenon runtime. The variable receives the value not before the configured time limit of the Interval Definition  of the variable is reached.


When setting a value on a variable of the MATHDR32 Driver which has formula "Mean" configured, the variable receives the value not before the configured time Limit of the Interval Definition is reached. 


When setting a value on a variable of the MATHDR32 Driver which has formula "Mean" configured, the variable receives the value not before the configured time Limit of the Interval Definition is reached. 


This issue has been addressed by improving the handling of setpoint value of the MATHDR32 Driver.

Issue Number: 29468
Fixed on Date: 12.11.2015
Versions: 7.60 0 BUILD 36068
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