Screen elements with a negative height or width do not react correctly to resize or move in the editor

Screen elements with a negative height or width do not react correctly to resize or move in the editor


When a screen element has a negative width or height, resizing the element in the editor does not work correctly. When the right anchor point is dragged, the element resizes on the opposite side. Also the frame in the editor is not displayed.


When a screen element has a negative width or height, resizing the element in the editor does not work correctly. When the right anchor point is dragged, the element resizes on the opposite side. Also the frame in the editor is not displayed.


An issue was addressed where elements with a negative width or height were not properly handled on resizing. Now the elements can be correctly resized and the frame around the element in the editor is displayed.

Issue Number: 29547
Fixed on Date: 1.8.2013
Versions: 7.10 0 BUILD 6919