[SAP Interface] Values of export parameters of SAP function are not assigned to variables

[SAP Interface] Values of export parameters of SAP function are not assigned to variables


Two bugs occur in the SAP Interface: In the Service Engine, zenon variables are not updated correctly. And in the Engineering Studio, import/export parameters are swapped when importing RFC function configurations. These two bugs occur independently of each other. Both bugs have been fixed.


Fixed bugs in the SAP interface:

1. Service Engine: Variable update

When executing an SAP RFC function in the Service Engine, zenon variables that are linked to SAP export parameters are not updated. The function call between zenon and SAP server is successful. No error messages are displayed in the Chronological Event List (CEL) or LOG files. However, the variable linked to the export parameter is not updated.

2. Engineering Studio: Import of RFC function configuration

When importing RFC function configurations from the SAP system into the zenon Engineering Studio, the SAP parameter types import and export are swapped. For example, a function configured with two import parameters and one export parameter appears in the Engineering Studio with two export parameters and one import parameter.

Both bugs have been fixed:

  1. zenon variables that are linked to SAP export parameters are updated again in the Service Engine. Linked zenon variables show the correct value.
  2. In the Engineering Studio, SAP RFC function parameter types import and export are imported correctly again.

To benefit from this fix:

  • Update your zenon Software Platform to the latest build of zenon 12 or higher.

Item ID: 261744
Version: 14.00 Build: 237866
Version: 14.00 Build: 239777
Version: 12.00 Build: 232473