S7TIA: using in the driver the symbols form precompiled file with the TIA 15.1 extention the import of variables doesn't work

S7TIA: using in the driver the symbols form precompiled file with the TIA 15.1 extention the import of variables doesn't work


using in the driver the symbols form precompiled file with the TIA 15.1 extention the import of variables doesn't work


using in the driver the symbols form precompiled file with the TIA 15.1 extention the import of variables doesn't work


Changing the extention of the file form *.ap15_1 to *.ap15 solves the problem.

Issue Number: 219608
Fixed on Date: 16.7.2020
Versions: 8.00 0 BUILD 67513 | 8.10 0 BUILD 67223 | 8.20 0 BUILD 67231 | 7.60 0 BUILD 68567