S7TIA: enhancements for TIA import

S7TIA: enhancements for TIA import


The variable import for the S7TIA driver has been enhanced for zenon Software platform versions 10, 11, 12 and higher.


The variable import for the S7TIA driver has been enhanced by the following functionalities:

Variable import dialog:

  • Nodes can be selected for import in an import dialog by means of multiple selection. Variables can be pre-filtered with “Accessible from HMI”.
  • The nodes are sorted alphabetically
  • New import options:
    • Write Identification
      Overwrites the 
      Identification property during import. This also applies for existing configurations.
    • Overwrite only empty Identifications
      Overwrites all variable properties during import.
      If the 
      Identification property of the variable already contains a value, this value is not changed.
      If the 
      Identification property does not contain a value, this is set during import.
  • New column Writable from HMI.
    Corresponds to the configuration in a TIA project. The 
    Write set value variable property is set according to the Writable from HMI import option.
  • The filter criterias for variable names take into account the case sensitive setting in Engineering Studio
  • New subsequent dialog for the import method:
    • Import all variables
    • Only import new variables (the variable name is decisive)
    • Only import existing variables (the variable name is decisive)

Item ID: 258988
Version: 11.00 Build: 157700
Version: 10.00 Build: 144352