S7TIA driver cannot connect to PLC: S71507D TF

S7TIA driver cannot connect to PLC: S71507D TF


It is not possible for the S7TIA driver to communicate with a S71507D TF CPU. The PLC reacted with an invalid response.


It is not possible for the S7TIA driver to communicate with a S71507D TF CPU. The PLC reacted with an invalid response.

Issue Number: 238518
Fixed on Date: 13.4.2021
Versions: 8.10 0 BUILD 81533 | 8.20 0 BUILD 82266 | 8.00 0 BUILD 82348 | 7.60 0 BUILD 83995 | 8.10 0 BUILD 83099 | 10 0 BUILD 83962