A detailed description of the differences can be found in the attached PDF documents (English and German). The description is based on zenon Supervisor 7.50 and zenon Analyzer 3.00.
Description The Manual Data Editor does not display any filter rows for the column headers. The same applies to the dialog for calculated archives in the Reporting Studio. This error occurs since build 171299 for versions 10, 11 and 12. This error ...
Since the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update (Windows 10 Build 1709), zenon is extremely slow when switching between modules or opening dialogs containing toolbars. This mainly affects the zenon Engineering Studio in all versions, but also the Service ...
Here, you can access a comprehensive list of changes across all maintained versions of the zenon Software Platform as Excel Worksheets. This includes both implemented bug-fixes and new features. Additionally, these lists are available in as Excel ...
Summary In Reporting Studio the Service Node Interface Dialog has been replaced with new IIoT Services Connection Wizard. Description The Service Node now calls - to configure the connection with the IIoT Services - the IIoT Services Connection ...