Report Engine connectors return wrong status bits

Report Engine connectors return wrong status bits


Report Engine Connectors return incorrect status bits in various constellations. This behavior has been fixed. Now the correct status bit is returned.


Report Engine connectors return incorrect status bits in various constellations:

  • The SQL Connector returns incorrect status bits for AML and CEL when exporting via an external storage function and for archives.
  • The Data Storage Connector returns incorrect status bits for AML and CEL when using external storage.
  • The Service Engine Connector returns incorrect status bits for AML and CEL when called without translation.

The reason for returning wrong status bits might be:

  • A combination of SQL Server (and other databases) not supporting unsigned data types and the RES31 bit being set.
  • Only N_UPDATE and/or PR_NR is set
  • It is a system event

This behavior has been fixed. Now the correct status bit is returned.

To apply the fix:

  1. Install the latest build for version 11 or higher on the Report Engine Server and the Reporting Studio computer. This might be the same device.
  2. Start Reporting Studio and connect to any database on the Report Engine Server.
  3. Click on "Update SQL Server Extensions" in the SQL Server ribbon.

This will enable the fix in any database on the Report Engine server.

Item ID: 260099
Version: 11.00 Build: 117823
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