Reloading the runtime may result in empty system driver variables on the standby server under specific circumstances

Reloading the runtime may result in empty system driver variables on the standby server under specific circumstances


When a local system driver variable is used in a dynamic limit of another variable, changing parameters at the local system driver variable in the editor and compiling and reloading the runtime may result in the local system driver variable being empty without a value on the standby server after the reload.


When a local system driver variable is used in a dynamic limit of another variable, changing parameters at the local system driver variable in the editor and compiling and reloading the runtime may result in the local system driver variable being empty without a value on the standby server after the reload.


An issue has been addressed in the runtime where the need for the value of a local system driver variable was not considered correctly and resulted in an empty value for a dynamic limit.

Issue Number: 33737
Fixed on Date: 24.11.2015
Versions: 7.60 0 BUILD 36068