Programming Interface – method `createDynamicProperty()‘ issue.
The method `createDynamicProperty()‘ return an exception: Given property doesn´t exist.
This could occur, when creating a dynamic property in a screen switch function. Example given:
zFunk.SetDynamicProperty("PictSwitch.Picture", _ScreenName);
zFunk.SetDynamicProperty("PictSwitch.SubstiVar[0].Source", "WIZ_VAR_11");
zFunk.SetDynamicProperty("PictSwitch.SubstiVar[0].Destination", "WIZ_VAR_12");
Issue is reproducible with VBA/VSTA as well with zenon AddIn Framework.
The method `createDynamicProperty()‘ return an exception: Given property doesn´t exist.
This could occur, when creating a dynamic property in a screen switch function. Example given:
zFunk.SetDynamicProperty("PictSwitch.Picture", _ScreenName);
zFunk.SetDynamicProperty("PictSwitch.SubstiVar[0].Source", "WIZ_VAR_11");
zFunk.SetDynamicProperty("PictSwitch.SubstiVar[0].Destination", "WIZ_VAR_12");
Issue is reproducible with VBA/VSTA as well with zenon AddIn Framework.
An issue was addressed to the "second-level" dynproperties – createDynProperty. As well as set / get dynproperties for example MathInfo[0].Sourcevars[0] were affected. Now, it is working again.
Issue Number: 38224
Fixed on Date: 26.4.2017
Versions: 7.60 0 BUILD 37399