PROFINET IO Controller in zenon Logic should use max. supported length for IO/IOCS data (1440 bytes as per PROFINET standard) instead of 500 bytes used currently

PROFINET IO Controller in zenon Logic should use max. supported length for IO/IOCS data (1440 bytes as per PROFINET standard) instead of 500 bytes used currently


PROFINET IO Controller in zenon Logic supports only 500 bytes for IO/IOCS data. The standard provides 1440 bytes.

The supported length was adapted to the standard. IO/IOCS data are now supported up to 1440 bytes.

To take advantage of this fix:

  • Update to the latest build of zenon 8.20, 10 or 11.

Item ID: 253202
Version: 11.00 Build: 104641
Version: 10.00 Build: 102631
Version: 8.20 Build: 102334