Process Recorder: Archive data creation during active playback mode

Process Recorder: Archive data creation during active playback mode


ARX files are created in the playback mode of the process recorder. This behavior has been modified.


The Service Engine creates archive files (*.arx) during the playback mode of process recorder. But during active playback mode no new data should be created at all. It is expected that archiving is disabled in active/automatic playback mode.

This behavior has been modified. If the system driver variable [process recorder]/recordermode has the value 3 or 4, no archives will be created.

New behavior in the Service Engine:

The historian is shut down when a playback is started via function, similarly to the Service Engine shut down. When playback is deactivated via function the historian is started. That behaves very similarly to the Service Engine start with the following exceptions:

  • Alternate archives are not created when the playback is stopped using the function.
  • Value changes from the drivers are not taken into account when playback is active. This can lead to the initial value for the capsule being out of date.

The historian is not started if the Service Engine starts directly in playback mode.

Reloading while playback is active reloads the historian but does not restart it.


To benefit from this fix:

  • Update your zenon Software Platform to the latest build of zenon 14 or higher.


Item ID: 280856
Version: 14.00 Build: 239777