Printer Settings-> Header/Footer/Comment Buttons no respond over with the mouse action.

Printer Settings-> Header/Footer/Comment Buttons no respond over with the mouse action.


Printer settings for Extended trend no respond over the mouse action on the Buttons. Header and footer, heandling and comment  (%DATUM%; %ZEIT%; %DIAGRAMMNAME%; %SEITE%) are doesn't possible set via Button.


Printer settings for Extended trend no respond over the mouse action on the Buttons. Header and footer, heandling and comment  (%DATUM%; %ZEIT%; %DIAGRAMMNAME%; %SEITE%) are doesn't possible set via Button.


Printer settings for Header and Footer is configurable via Buttons.

Issue Number: 29557
Fixed on Date: 20.8.2014
Versions: 7.20 0 BUILD 33675