PHOENIX32 Driver should support variable addressing via symbolic address

PHOENIX32 Driver should support variable addressing via symbolic address


PHOENIX32 Driver should Support variable addressing via symbolic address in addition to addressing via variable name.


PHOENIX32 Driver should Support variable addressing via symbolic address in addition to addressing via variable name.


This issue has been addressed by supporting variable adressing via symbolic address.


Since zenon 7.0 the "@" sign is not supported anymore when used in the variable name. The reason for this is that every string which contains an "@" sign would automatically be translated to the corresponding value of the language table. As a result, when a Phoenix SPS contains variable names with an "@" sign, there is need to address those variables via symbolic address where "@" can be used without being translated to a value of the language table.

Issue Number: 31235
Fixed on Date: 27.2.2014
Versions: 7.10 0 BUILD 11355